Filming Blog: Working on Our case files!
Hey guys! We’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes work but so far we’ve had to figure out a lot of the details of the opening sequence. Our case files that are featured frequently, have a ton of media including polaroids that we wanted to make look authentic as possible, to mimic a real detectives case file. There are roughly 10 polaroids we need to take to go along with the storyline and this part has taken us the longest so far. Polaroid film isn’t as easily edited as a regular phone camera, meaning we have to try our best to get the perfect shot so that we don’t have to retake it and waste film. Polaroid film is somewhat hard to manage if you’re unfamiliar with both the film itself and the camera. There are light setting on the camera that, if not adjusted properly, will ruin the photo. This can make the photos either pitch black or bright white without the development of the actual photo. We’ll update you guys with anything new coming soon!
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