Movie Conventions Research: The Batman

    Hey viewers! Welcome back to the blog! Today I will be researching three thriller genre movies to give me insight on what conventions I'd like to mimic, and or ignore from this genre. I hope you guys enjoy the process!

 The batman has a lot of elements I'd like to put into my movie, it takes the story of batman and makes it more of a thriller than the average action super hero movie. I'd like to make use of the eerie vibe they made for this movie.

The opening scene was set in a dark city at night as the camera slowly panned around with a voice over of the main character. These are some of the things i'd like to try to use in our final task. However some of the things that I didn't like about this movie (in relation to making my own film) was the intense action scenes, this is only really because I don't think it would work well in our own movie. The action scenes from the Batman were very flashy.


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