Research and Planning Blog!!
Strawberry Swings by Frank Ocean
Welcome back viewers! In this post, I will be explaining my research and planning process for my commercial! I'm very excited to be able to include these aspects of my life, that may see minuscule, and turn it into something impactful for you all! My main song for the commercial will be featuring Strawberry Swings by Frank Ocean. I have loved many songs throughout my life so far, but something about this song feels nostalgic, which I love. For the commercial I will be incorporating pieces of media such as photos and videos of myself to give you guys an inside peak on my life. Ill be sure to include my favorite things such as hobbies, my family, and my friends! I'd like to be able to shed light on my interests as well in this commercial, that many people may not know too much about. While considering the photos and video for this commercial, one aspect comes to mind. The inclusion of my friends. My friends have been the structure and basis of my life for the longest time. I have thousands of photos of these beautiful people, so reducing them to 5 will be difficult, but that just means they will be the very best of the best! Along with my friends, I would love to include all of the photos I've taken of my travels. While these photos won't do these destinations justice, they're still just as gorgeous. I look forward to showing this sliver of my life to you all! Report back soon!
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