
 Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog! I’m still currently working on my commercial. I’m tweaking the last few photos to use along with the videos because I think it’s really important to make sure it includes exactly what I want to represent me as a whole. After editing and putting it all together, it should be complete and ready to go for all of you guys to see! To make sure I included the absolute best photos, I even asked some friends and family members to look back and find some good ones, so I incorporated those as well. I know I said I’d include mostly my friends and family, but I found myself wanting to include other parts of my life that made me happy because saying my friends are what make me happiest isn’t unique. I’m sure that can be said by countless people so to really stand out, I wanted to include more niche parts of my life that aren’t so apparent. I hope you guys enjoy! And see you soon!


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