
Creative Critical Reflection-Part One: Get Ready With Me


Opening Sequence!

 Hey bloggers! We’re finally done with our opening sequence and are really excited for you guys to be able to see the finished product! Hope you guys enjoy!

Opening Sequence- Refilming blog!

 Hi guys! We’ve officially filmed all of our scenes and have edited everything including our music, the shutter sounds for the pictures, the polaroids, and the opening scene. Our only issue we’ve run into is our initial idea for the ending shot of the detective being in the bathroom and it revealing that he is the killer, isn’t ideal for our timing considering it would make us go over the time limit. We came up with another idea for the last shot which still gets the job done of revealing who The Killer is, but won’t be as dramatic as our initial idea. We plan on refilming our back up plan today and finishing editing with titles by tomorrow. It’s coming along really nicely and fits our vision of how we wanted the story to play out. CapCut thankfully gives us plenty of options for transition and other effects that were perfect for our genre, the shutter sounds we took off of youtube and the editing detail of the camera came from CapCut. We’re really excited to get this product finis...

Film Review-Final Task

 Hey guys! We’ve made a lot of progress with our Final Task and decided to have someone review our film before we completely finish it, so that if any critical adjustments need to be made they’ll be done before submission. We had our parents watch our film without telling them the plot to see if it would make sense from someone who wasn’t already familiar with the storyline. We wanted feedback on wether or not it was understandable that the detective was the killer, considering that’s the entire point of the story. If it wasn’t clear we would most likely change certain scenes to make it more apparent. Both of our parents understood the plot and thought the editing we used, from inspiration from shows we’ve seen before, was very cool and CapCut helped us with concept a lot. We’re really looking forward to showing you guys our film! 

Production blog!

 Hey viewers! we’ve been working really hard to piece together our scenes. We have decided to reshoot some of them in a different location because we don’t think the place we chose for our initial scene was authentic enough, it looks too fake for what we are trying to go for, which is a detectives office. Our idea for the  case files is mainly editing which we still have to figure out how to splice together. we’re thinking about using a series of templates to help us complete this. We want it to resemble a criminal tv show where they zoom in on different parts of the file with photos and descriptions with suspenseful music to fit the thriller genre. We are really hoping we are able to execute this idea properly through the editing tool we are using because it gives the opening sequence context for the plot. I hope you guys are looking forward to it! See you soon!

Production Blog- Editing!

 Hey guys! So previously I mentioned that my group and I have started editing, we have been using CapCut for this process and have chosen our music and aligned it with our scenes. We’re really looking forward to any changes we can make to make it better because there’s always room for improvement, we have been considering changing up some of the scenes and their orders. We also have been looking back at the editing and might be considering altering some of the way we shoot our scenes, because we want them to be more authentic for the genre. Hope you guys enjoy!