Producing Our Music Video- Choosing our scenes!
Hey guys! So my previous blog talked about how we needed to relocate to accommodate our possible issues that we may have ran into considering our location was at such a public place. Today I’ll be talking about how we will be using cardboard cut outs and other household items to mimic our setting that we couldn’t go to before. For the airport, we are planning on creating a larger frame-type prop that’s labeled “ airport” to get the message across that that is our desired setting. Along with scenes that require us to shoot in a car, we obviously have access to a vehicle that we will use accordingly. As said in previous blogs, the song really plans it out for us step by step chronologically, so that we have somewhat of a format and structure to it that we can follow. Now this doesn’t mean that we don’t have any room for our own creativity, we can still incorporate smaller aspects to the video to make it unique so it isn’t so copy and paste to the original. We’re really hoping it all...